PiBrain Assistant
Security Intern at MWR Infosecurity an F-Secure Company <5/18 - 8/18>
Performed Web Application and Network Segmentation Tests on a real world attack surface. Produced research on dynamic test case generation and coverage guided fuzzing with KLEE and AFL. Published a blog-post with my findings and research results. Learned advanced web hacking techniques from a great mentor and a fantastic team. My Research
Software Engineer at PiBrain <11/17 - 2/18>
Seq2Seq implementation using tensorflow and neural machine translation to build a cost effective assistant for small businesses Pibrain site
OSIRIS Lab Researcher and NYUSEC CTF Team Member <12/16 - Current>
CTFCybersecurity research lab and NYU CTF Team. Currently runs CSAW, HSF, and practices modern day exploitation. Osiris site
LanguagesCSAW 2018: Organizer and Problem Writer CSAW 2017: Organizer and Problem Writer HSF 2017: Problem Writer
Technologies/SkillsC/C++: Writing high performance code, LLVM API, SDL and Object Oriented Ideas
LLVM: Advanced usage of LLVM tools and compiler IR
Rust: Fast, memory safe code; decent understanding of package format and libraries
Python 2.7/3.5/3.6: Advanced understanding of language and modules such as: multiprocessing, subprocess, heapq, itertools, collections, and numpy
Bash: Advanced command line usage for scripting and pen-testing
HTML: Building structured webpages
SQL: Designing and implementing relational dbs with sqlalchemy
CSS: Adding pretty, colored design to webpages and applications
Javascript: Adept at using npm packages and website scripting to efficiently interact with web servers and v8 command line tool
EducationReverse Engineering/Binary Exploitation: KLEE, AFL, BinaryNinja, IDA-pro, Angr, Pwntools, Manticore, Apktool, Windbg, Pwndbg, GDB
Web: Burp Suite, Kali Linux, Nessus, Metasploit, SQLmap, Heroku, Flask, MySQL/SQLAlchemy, Jekyll, Apache, Facebook API, Git
ML: Tensorflow, Openai API
Package Managers/Containers: Cargo, Docker
Creative: Processing, Particles.js
New York University; B.S in Computer Science <2016 - 2020 (expected)>